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Pourjalali Z, Shahpiri A, Golkar, P. 2022. Barley metallothionein isoforms, MT2b2 and MT4, differentially respond to photohormones in barley aleurone layer and their recombinant forms show different affinity for binding to zinc and cadmium. DOI: 10.21203/

Journal Papers

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Pourjalali Z, Shahpiri A, Golkar, P. 2022. Barley metallothionein isoforms, MT2b2 and MT4, differentially respond to photohormones in barley aleurone layer and their recombinant forms show different affinity for binding to zinc and cadmium. DOI: 10.21203/ | Dr. Pooran Golkar


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تحت نظارت وف ایرانی